Cherish the memory of Professor Sahoo
With deep sorrow we inform that on June 18, 2017, Professor Prasanna K. Sahoo, eminent mathematician and participant of the 55th ISFE, unexpectedly passed away in Chengdu. Professor Sahoo fell after having finished the talk he presented at the Symposium, and despite strenuous efforts he did not recover and died two days later in hospital. Professor Sahoo specialized in the theory of functional equations, theory of information, nonlinear pricing in economics and image segmentation using information theory and PDE. He authored almost 200 scientific papers and several books. He was the professor at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. He was a friend and a colleague of many of us.
Prasanna K. Sahoo has left his beloved wife, Dr. Sadhna Gupta, RN, and his son Amit Aaron Sahoo, to whom we offer our sincere condolences, and express our sympathy with.
Weinian Zhang, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 55th ISFE
Maciej Sablik, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of ISFE
The meetings on functional equations, which are now called International Symposium on Functional Equations, have been held annually since 1962 (with the exception of 1964). The first conference, with 14 participants from 5 countries, was organized by Professors J. Aczél, O. Haupt and A. Ostrowski in the Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, Germany. Of the previous 54 symposia, 15 took place in Germany, 6 in Poland, 5 in each of Austria, Canada, Hungary and Italy, 3 in each of the Czech Republic, France and the United States, 2 in Spain, and 1 in each of Denmark and Switzerland.
Nowadays, the series has an international scientific committee which invites leading specialists in the field to attend a symposium. The average number of participants of the last five meetings is about 65, and they came from Austria, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and the United States. The reports of meetings are published in Aequationes Mathematicae.
Every participant has an opportunity to give a 20-minute long talk. As usual, besides regular talks, there will also be a longer survey lecture. Furthermore, a special session and several sessions devoted to problems and remarks will be organized.
Participation in these annual meetings is by invitation only. Those wishing to attend the 55th ISFE should send information on their scientific interest and, preferably, publications together with their postal and email addresses to
Roman Ger
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Institute of Mathematics
Silesian University
Bankowa 14
40-007 Katowice
by January 1, 2017.
The 55th ISFE is organized by the School of Mathematics of Sichuan University, China.